主题 : 2月13日 意大利Viareggio杯(青年队) 国际米兰VS恩波利 意语宽频高清 MKV 1051M【BT视频下载】
级别: 替补球员
0  发表于: 2008-02-14 10:01

2月13日 意大利Viareggio杯(青年队) 国际米兰VS恩波利 意语宽频高清 MKV 1051M【BT视频下载】

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What's Viareggio Tournament ? This a tournament for young players (btw 15 & 20 yrs old) with teams like Inter, Juventus, Milan, Roma, Tottenham, River Plate ... Last year won it Genoa. This tornament made known in the past players like Del Piero, Totti, Batistuta .... Inter faces Empoli in that second Final. On Monday, Both teams played the "First" Final and it ended with th score of 1-1 (Gerbo's & Caturano's Goals) ... No Penalty kick for that first final, If they draw after 90mins + the prolongations, The game will be repeat two days later ....and it was like that. Empoli had one player out for cards: Musacci. Inter had lots of injured players (Fortunato, Obi, Khrin) & 3 players Out for Cards (Bolzoni (captain & best player), federici & Puccio) ... Inter could only put 2 players (Destro & N'ze) & one keeper on the bench ... The formation on the pitch was also strange, a sort of 4-2-4 .... It was a great game .... In the download Folder, Three files: First Half - Second half - Third piece (Celebrations or Supplementaries + Celebrations or Supp. + Penalties kick + celebrations) ... Enjoy ...

国际米兰球迷协会(ICC)南宁/柳州最具号召力QQ群:16858921/75178943  38年的等待,欧冠决赛,我们共同看观!
级别: 超级替补
1  发表于: 2008-02-14 13:58
