主题 : 9月1日 预备队联赛 切尔西VS阿森纳 chelsea tv 英语 XVID 1.03G【BT视频下载】
级别: 替补球员
0  发表于: 2008-09-04 10:56

9月1日 预备队联赛 切尔西VS阿森纳 chelsea tv 英语 XVID 1.03G【BT视频下载】

Decided to get this to see some more of Wilshere the other day. Lots of pretty well known youngsters like gibbs, randall and merida as well. Besides sinclair i haven't seen much of the youngsters from chelsea besides sinclair and di santo.

di santo does not play this one though. Drogba starts.

Anyways here it is. From chelsea tv i think.


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