主题 : 10月26日 西甲第8轮 瓦拉多利德VS拉科 英语 WMV MB【HTTP下载】
级别: 版块版主
0  发表于: 2009-10-26 02:53

10月26日 西甲第8轮 瓦拉多利德VS拉科 英语 WMV MB【HTTP下载】

La Liga: Valladolid vs. Deportivo La Coruna, 10-25-2009, courtesy of GOLTV. GOLTV lost their Satellite feed of the match during 52nd Minute of the 2nd Half. Phil Schoen & Ray Hudson were giving updates to keep you abreast of the action, so I keep the recorder running. Eventually the feed was restored in the 72nd Minute. Links below:

1st Half:


2nd Half:

级别: 替补球员
1  发表于: 2009-10-26 08:56

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