主题 : 3月26日 欧锦赛预选赛 塞尔维亚VS北爱尔兰 Bet365  英语 mp4  353MB【HTTP】
级别: 超级替补
0  发表于: 2011-03-26 18:51

3月26日 欧锦赛预选赛 塞尔维亚VS北爱尔兰 Bet365  英语 mp4  353MB【HTTP】

25 Mar 2011 - ECQ - Serbia v. Northern Ireland - English - HTTP

Group C - Matchround #6
Qualifying for the Uefa European Championships 2012

Serbia v. Northern Ireland

Source - Bet365
Bitrate - 600kbps
Resolution - 480x360


Capping starts in the 6th minute.

File name: 1st_Half_-_Serbia_v._Northern_Ireland_-_English.mp4 File size: 161.33 MB
File name: 2nd_Half_-_Serbia_v._Northern_Ireland_-_English.mp4 File size: 191.48 MB

http://www.filesonic.com/file/353333211 - 1st Half
http://www.filesonic.com/file/353357854 - 2nd Half